2013 Basement Systems Dealer Convention Yields Awards

Gastonia, NC – October 4, 2013

Dr. Energy Saver Charlotte was recently honored at the Annual Team Basement Systems Convention, a gathering with dealers located across the United States, Canada and the UK.

The annual convention is held each year at the Basement Systems headquarters in Seymour, CT and the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, CT. The three day event brings together dealers in the international network for training, seminars, networking, vendor and team building events, and celebration.

This year, Dr. Energy Saver Charlotte received an award at the Team Basement Systems International Convention for ranking among the Top 10 Dr. Energy Saver Dealers!

The high-powered event featured best-selling author and motivational speaker Aron Ralston. His book, Between A Rock And A Hard Place, was turned into the critically acclaimed movie 127 Hours starring James Franco. Ralston moved the crowd with his inspirational story of survival and posed for pictures afterwards with attendees.

Google also had a presence at this spectacular event. Two Google representatives delivered a behind the scenes peek at how to best utilize the search engines tools for successful business results.

Close to eleven hundred people attended the annual Basement Systems Convention this year, which is the highest attendance to date. The flagship event is held each August in Connecticut.

Dr. Energy Saver Charlotte provides home energy audits and a wide range of energy-saving services to homeowners throughout the Greater Charlotte Area of North Carolina. Services include home insulation and air sealing, heating and cooling (HVAC), water heaters, and more.

The company is also proud to be a part of the Dr. Energy Saver Network, a nationwide, fast-growing network of certified energy conservation contractors, who specialize in helping homeowners make their homes more comfortable and energy-efficient.