3 Questions You Need to Ask About Residential Heating

How will your residential heating method affect your comfort and winter bills

Residential heating can be supplied to your home in a number of ways. You should choose the best method for your area, as well as for your budget. Most importantly, of course, is to keep in mind how much heating you'll need throughout the winter months. For instance, heat pumps are a popular option in Gastonia because temperatures don't often drop below freezing. However, before you decide on any system, ask yourself (or a professional) these three important questions:

1. Will this unit keep my property warm?

Your residential heating professional can help you determine whether a particular type of heating element will be sufficient for your needs. This generally means a visit to your property to take measurements, as well as conduct a basic site inspection is needed. Any company that feels qualified enough to give you a bid over the phone should be avoided.

Important factors include:

  • Personal preferences
  • Location of your property
  • Size of your home
  • Integrity of the construction
  • HVAC equipment already in place

2. Can I afford installation?

Some homes are built with a certain type of equipment in mind, and changing set equipment will significantly increase your installation costs. A professional can help determine any changes required for the system you want. You'll also be able to count on an experienced company to help you take advantage of any grants or funding available for the installation of new Energy Star-labeled equipment.

3. How will this equipment affect my long-term bills?

HVAC costs generally make up around 60 percent of your utility bills. This number can become even higher in the winter, particularly if you keep the heat cranked. Make sure your new equipment is economical once your heating habits come into play.

Installing new residential heating equipment is essential to enjoying the most efficient, affordable and well-functioning HVAC services. Ask the experts at GSM Services about the best heat source for your home.